Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The sun shines brightly as I lie on my bright pink beach towel.  Warm sand falls between my toes, as a light breeze carries the scent of salt and sunscreen. This is bliss.  It is warm and there is no where else I'd rather be.  Suddenly, this world is pulled away from me, by the unwelcome sound of my alarm clock.  6 am has arrived and I am brought back to reality.  Outside you would never know that it is morning.  Darkness engulfs the city.  A glimmer of frost coats each skeleton-like branch of the tree in my courtyard.  A closer look, and I can see large white snow flakes spiraling from all angles of the sky.  Across the way, the other apartments are asleep from the night before.  I slowly try to gain the motivation to get out of my cozy bed.  I turn on the television and I am instantly greeted by a friendly voice.    “Good morning!  It’s going to be another cold one!  We will only see a high of 18 degrees, but it will feel like -10. Snow and wind gusts reaching up to 40 miles an hour will continue through the day and into tomorrow.” Another brutally cold day has arrived and I ask myself once again, why do I put myself through this?  The wicked winter blues have hit me, and the feeling of walking through an endless dark tunnel, with no sign of light, sinks in. 

Some beat the winter blues by escaping to an exotic location; where you can walk on white sandy beaches, swim in cool-aid blue waters, and sip on fruit topped cocktails.  For those of us who are unable to get away or are already feeling the effects of the winter blues, looking at cheerful sunny images is sometimes helpful.   Here are some exotic sunny blue pictures to help you get through the wicked winter blues.

Images via Pinterest and Tumblr

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