Monday, September 9, 2013


As green topped trees turn to firey red and orange, my closet begins to swell with sweaters, jackets, and riding boots.  Luscious furs, tweedy blazers, and shiny leather riding boots come to mind as I pack up my Jack Rogers and Trina Turk swim suit for sunnier days.  Fall has arrived, and with it fall attire. Every year the changing colors of fall excite me, both in nature and in the world of design.

The revealing of the upcoming fashion palette, takes place months before the shift in weather. I prefer to wait and enjoy my present attire until the time arrives to change.  Now that summer is over and the air has a fall crispness to it, I am ready. 

This season we will see a continuation of cobalt blue and mustardy yellow, which made a brief appearance during the previous season.  In addition to these colors, we will see chocolaty brown, gray, olive green, and red.  I always look forward to seeing how the colors presented during fashion week are translated into everyday culture, eventually making their way into my closet and home. This week I will take a look at a couple of my favorite colors for the upcoming season.  
Image via pinterest

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